- Different data structure in terms of lease and financial data (e.g. Accounts, Charge Codes, Descriptions, Amendments, Property-/Building-/Floor-/Unit Setup)
- High time pressure because of fixed defined deadlines
- Ongoing management of Properties during the whole project (moving target)
- Big project team consisting of several internal and external parties
Installed Measures
- Creation of a detailed collaborative project plan including several workstreams and clear responsibilities
- Reducing data backlogs in terms of lease data and financial data prior to the migration to move the best possible data quality
- Installing weekly project jour fixes with all involved parties
- Developing mapping files for all data sets to be considered
- Coordinating a customized system setup with Yardi onboarding team to ensure all needs are considered
- Defining a frozen zone prior to the final migration to reduce the risk of data loss
- Creation of proper user manuals and trainings to ensure a good start in the new ERP system
Business outcome
- Successful mapping of SAP financial and commercial data to Yardi ETL upload templates
- No parallel operation of both systems with live data because of the defined frozen zone and as a result no data loss
- Smooth start of new Yardi Voyager users because of efficient trainings and detailed user manuals
Every R3AL team member has coordinated and/or worked on several database migration projects and gained deep knowledge in various fields of Yardi Voyager database setup and migration approaches. Furthermore all R3AL members steered and/or accompanied the entire migration process (besides from Yardi) for several AM companies.