Process management
September 19, 2024
Gaby Held
Founding Partner
Project in a Nutshell
Asset management and property management companies
1 day up to 2 years
From impluse workshops to raise awareness of structured processes and clear responsibilities to major projects in established, Pan-European companies to support the reorganisation of the process landscape


  • Lack of communication within (cross-departmental) teams and lack of structure in work processes
  • Processes that have evolved over time no longer correspond to the market standard and require a review
  • High error rates and therefore increased potential for internal and external conflict, leading to cost inefficiency
  • Lack of knowledge transfer due to employee changes

Installed Measures

  • Establishment of a project team, forming responsibilities within the supported company
  • Coordination with management level; in order to harmonise the project with corporate goals
  • Analysing the existing workflows, existing processes and the IT landscape used
  • Development and presentation of process optimisations in order to raise understanding for changes among the employees involved
  • Creation of a database containing all process-related documents and information to enable better knowledge transfer
  • Identification of risks and opportunities from the workflows, including the creation of a catalogue of measures for optimal process handling

Business outcome

  • Increased opportunities to receive company certifications and to present transparent areas of responsibility to (potential) business partners
  • Creating points of orientation in everyday working life for employees and managers
  • Support and utilisation of digitalisation potential
  • Enabling an improved feedback and error culture through clear tasks and role assignmen


R3AL Management's accumulated expertise in the field of process management and its in-depth understanding of the real estate industry and its challenges enable it to meet all specific requirements and customer particularities in the development of process management or its reorganisation. By focussing on the essentials and taking a structured approach geared towards practical implementation, we offer added value for the commissioning company.